Two days ago, my wife and I had a contractor out to the house to quote some work on our deck. It was the first time in awhile that a company other than RooterPLUS had been to the house to do anything. The contractor was very professional and represented his company very well.
But… I found that most of the time he was explaining what he was going to do and the process that they would use, my mind was wandering. I was constantly thinking of how well our technicians at RooterPLUS are connecting with the homeowners. I was wondering if we are saying the right things and telling the customers things that are important to them. I know that what is important to me, may not be important to the next homeowner.
As those of you that have used our company know, we make “happy calls” the day after a service call to make sure that our customers are satisfied with the work that was done. This is a brief conversation and we don’t ask the customers specific questions about what the technician did or didn’t do or did or didn’t say.
So that is why I developed this survey. It is to help me better understand what people want and need out of a service company or home contractor. This is a very brief, 10 question survey that should take no longer than 3 minutes. I know the sample group that takes the survey may not be in the hundreds, but it will still help us as a company determine what is or isn’t important and what we can do to get better. Just click on the link below to take the survey.
Customer Survey
Thanks in advance for your participation. Your answers will allow us to continually strive towards our mission statement:

I Would Like to Get Your Input
To be the premier provider of residential and commercial plumbing, septic, heating and air service for customers in Metro Atlanta providing quality workmanship and professionalism on every job.
Have a great week…